Tap into the Human Collective Consciousness

Here’s the message from my guides today:


Keep up a positive attitude. It is working out – what you’re doing. Take his time to explore who you are in this collective of human consciousness. Everyone has a unique personality, unique perspective, and unique life for a reason. You will all come back together stronger and enhance the collective. 

Think of yourself like a team, but a team of Oneness. You are all playing together whether you know it or not. There is no playing the game “right” or “wrong” though, so there’s no reason to feel judgment flow through you. Instead, you’ll like the game much more when you accept that everyone has their part to play in their own unique way and it’s not your job in any way to change them or their path. 

It is your job to work every day, to feel love more and more, and share love more and more. The better you get at this, the stronger the collective as a whole. You are helping yourself and your team. You are One and through the feeling of acceptance and sharing the love, your collective keeps raising its vibration. 

Can you tap into the collective energy? Can you feel the progress? Can you send out your own high vibration to your collective? This is a great energetic practice for those who are awake and ready. 

This practice doesn’t take long and is quite powerful. There’s so much more to come.”

What do you think?

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Please also Subscribe to my yoga pages on YouTube – one for these channeled messages with my audio, and the other if you are into Yoga, Meditations, and Energizing tips.

Channeled Messages Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW5p9oCWxUTXu_i8w_Za1TZktYxBd9wDu

Strength Chair Yoga [Beginners & Prenatal Welcome]

Quick Energy Meditation: 

Happy Back Yoga [Flow with the Breath] https://youtu.be/bj9W7ezrLIE   

[10 min] Ultra Relax Breath, Stretch, & Savasana [Energy Boost or Sleep.]

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