Piccolo Fairy Tunes

Some Fairy Music of mine for you… I was encouraged by a new friend to take out my piccolo *dusts off* and play some tunes! I love improvising, of course. Here’s a very short clip of me playing today! I had longer clips, but they weren’t too great, as I’m still getting used to playing…


So the majority of my ghost experiences were when I was very young. My parents didn’t tell me not to see them, or that what I was seeing was fake. In fact, my Godmother is psychic, so the higher begins that come through as my Godmother would channel told my parents  a bit about the…

Breathe the Magic

I breathe in the Magic — Reach — It floats in the Air, Travels in my veins, enjoys my cells, transforming me back to my soul, no longer shell Free. ~Celestial K. My website Was inspired when I was listening to this fairy music on Youtube: I like to have soothing background music on  as…