Fiddling n’ Singing

  Hello lovelies!   Here I am singing my heart out… when I’m the last person to close at work, and I’ve got the building to myself… ohhhh the Acoustics!!! Perfection 😀   I love singing. I’m not a part of a group at this moment, but I love to do it for myself. Do…

Journey – Self Love

Self love IS a journey, and not necessarily an easy one in a physical vessel. A lot of what is in our environment sticks in our minds, and what we see when we look in the mirror can speak louder than bombs. I LOVE sugary sweets and always have, but I also LOVE to exercise (as…

Lost Serenity – a Poem

Lost Serenity It trickles, Crawling in bubbling inches. That time of awe I felt The lost serenity Resonating nothing and everything, Grapple me until I fell, Taken over, It wrecked what I thought, Shattered my humanity And I liked it. ~Celestial K.     This is a reflection of my meditation experience some time…

Soul Absorption – a poem

Peace and Love are going out from me today into the hurricane, into the people affected. My uncle & his wife are in FL. My grandma who also lives there is now visiting with my dad in GA. I hope you are all well. Sending you my love as well. This poem is a love…

Hidden Light: a poem

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I’m keeping super busy with my jobs, trying to make as much as I can.  I was planning on trying to work more hours so I could save a bit for our vacation coming up in August. I seemed to have extra money this month! Andddd… I…

Upside Down – a poem

Saw things in a different perspective upside down… Saw fireworks today! Happy independence day. Always reminds me of my grandfather.   Namaste with Love, Celestial K. Info on my poetry book: 

Kitties! & Reincarnation.

We have new Kitties: Link and Magick, both boys 🙂  Brian and I took a trip to my hometown to get these kittens from my Godmother. They had a litter of five kittens. Brian and I had been talking before that if we ever got new kittens, we need to get two at a time,…

Sunshine Blogger Award

I’ve been nominated by my blogger buddy Hussein Allam.  I can’t thank you enough for this special award. You make my night bright, and my smile white! Hussein has MANY great blogs on his site that my fingers just itch to comment on, so I would definitely suggest checking him out! 1.) Thank the person…

Piccolo Fairy Tunes

Some Fairy Music of mine for you… I was encouraged by a new friend to take out my piccolo *dusts off* and play some tunes! I love improvising, of course. Here’s a very short clip of me playing today! I had longer clips, but they weren’t too great, as I’m still getting used to playing…

Heartbeat Central- Poem

Tense Breath We have to stay alive Heartbeat central We merge still Sighs Of the universe. ~Celestial K.   I have much to write about, still. A lot on my mind to share. But my work has been busy,  which is not an excuse. But I always try to wait until the appropriate time…