Opening: A Poem

  I hope everyone is doing well today! How are you, friends? Here is a poem for you:   Opening Wicked chance A hot breath gasping Into the silver wind Turns from Stained wine lips. What calls me Does so strongly. Some things you don’t fight But let It in. Celestial K.   Namaste,…

A Poem for You & Meditate

Hello Friends, I hope you all are well! I know I need to spend more time blogging, and I will. I am making space in my life to do so, but that is still taking some time. For now, I am working on myself physically by working out, but also realizing that I need to…

Soul Absorption – a poem

Peace and Love are going out from me today into the hurricane, into the people affected. My uncle & his wife are in FL. My grandma who also lives there is now visiting with my dad in GA. I hope you are all well. Sending you my love as well. This poem is a love…

Murmurs, a poem

Murmurs   My mind ambles Away, drifting like those candid Clouds that Float on their distant reality, The ones I can feel myself Fall into but I can’t seem To touch. Spiked dreams Shed Wistful murmurs. ~Celestial K. Ask me about my book, Soul Thoughts: Poetry for Our Growing Spirits    

Silkened Fragments – A Poem

I dislike that it’s been awhile since I’ve posted & gotten to your sites to comment. Busy, busy. Here is a lovely poem for you to contemplate!   I wish you friends the best, as always. Namaste, with Love, Celestial K. Ask me about my book called Soul Thoughts found on:

Hidden Light: a poem

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I’m keeping super busy with my jobs, trying to make as much as I can.  I was planning on trying to work more hours so I could save a bit for our vacation coming up in August. I seemed to have extra money this month! Andddd… I…

Clouds- A Poem

This is the poem I wrote today as I stared off into the clouds and dreamed, and thought about how I can’t look at them enough. Often stuck in a building doing something. It was really nice to gaze and reflect, even if it was half a minute.  But of course I started writing, so…

Upside Down – a poem

Saw things in a different perspective upside down… Saw fireworks today! Happy independence day. Always reminds me of my grandfather.   Namaste with Love, Celestial K. Info on my poetry book: 

Threads – a Poem

I hope you enjoy my poem today 💜  Celestial K. 

Heartbeat Central- Poem

Tense Breath We have to stay alive Heartbeat central We merge still Sighs Of the universe. ~Celestial K.   I have much to write about, still. A lot on my mind to share. But my work has been busy,  which is not an excuse. But I always try to wait until the appropriate time…